Which models can be used on IPIMS Software/nViewer Software?

The Models you can use with IPIMS, and nViewer are as follows.


For mpeg model:

Premium series: PM-8C, PM-16C


For H.264 models:

Elite series: EL-412, EL-424, EL2-4H, EL-824, EL2-8H, EL-1648, EL2-16H

Pro series: PR-424, PR2-4H, PR-824, PR2-8H, PR-1624, PR-1648, PR2-16H\

Premium series: PM2-8C, PM3-8H, PM2-16C, PM3-16H

Enterprise series: EP-8D, EP-16D


For HDSDI models: Y4418, Y8818, EZSD-I1609, EZSD-I1412, EZSD-I806


For NVR models: EZIN-L412, EZIN-L824, EZIN-P1648


Note this only when connecting the surveillance system to the IPIMS and nViewer software. For MAC books you will use Smart RA.



Last update:
2014-08-04 18:39
Jairo Culajay
Average rating: 3 (2 Votes)

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